Top 10 Reasons to submit articles to Article Directory

Reason No. 1: It’s Free to submit!
Once you get the account setup and verified, you just need to submit your article via few easy steps and boom your article appears in an article directory.
Reason No. 2: Gives you Expert Status!
Giving your opinion and views, especially when backed up by facts and figures set you up as an expert in your field.
Reason No. 3: Fresh Content for Website!
Each article you write and submit should also be listed on your web site, giving you fresh, quality content.
Reason No. 4 : Free Incoming Links!
You will instantly gain incoming links to your web site from a relevant source. An article on finance with a link to a web site on finance and insurance related website is highly regarded by the search engines
Reason No. 5: Free Website or Product Promotion!
Articles actually allow others to promote you and your website by using your article, including the link to your site, on their web site, blog, e-zine or newsletter. Comments and discussion of your article, ideas and opinions will further your exposure.
Reason No.6: Extra Income!
You might get extra income from people wanting to hire you to write other articles, books, or even ask to speak at seminars. This is a great way to multiply your income. With all the private label article sites springing up daily, there is a lot of content needed to fill the demand, your article writing skills could attract some of these to your door.
Reason No. 7 : No Expiration Date!
Articles submitted to authentic and highly promoted article directory like Articleus usually never expire and be removed under any circumstances except by you. So submitting to the directory will give you long shelf life, drive more traffic even after a year and give you very powerful link back.
Reason No. 8: Broaden your market!
By creating a targeted article on article website you can get your influence out to a broader market segment. You can use the content of article directory to create email newsletters too, where appropriate. You can even combine articles into an e-book to publish, give away or sell.
Reason No. 9: Give your business new style and personality!
Article shows your personality and knowledge about the subject which in turn helps drive customers to your business. People will get to know you and your business through writing and any relationship you build with an online customer or client is a qualified, targeted lead my friend!
Reason No.10: It’s Fun!
Be a part of community by becoming a contributor, a blogger, an author and simply just a viewer.
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